By uploading / sending photos, you indicate you agree to the following policy:

  • By sending an image to GoBadges you guarantee that you are the legal owner of the copyright of that image, or have been awarded full and unrestricted rights from the copyright owner to upload and utilize the image for the purposes of this website.
  • By uploading an image you guarantee that such use of the image in the GoBadges website does not violate the rights of any other party, does not result in a breach of contract between you and another party and that you accept responsibility for any royalties or fees due to any other party from the use of the uploaded image.
  • You are solely responsible for their content and for any offense, claims, or damages that arise from the content of those images. The approval and posting of images to the site by the designers of the GoBadges in no way alters or diminishes your responsibility and does not transfer any responsibility for the content of the image to the GoBadges or the designers who approve the image for posting.

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